Very complete for efficient diagnosis
Designed to meet all the current measurement requirements of electricians, electrotechnicians and electronics engineers, this 2,000-count multimeter is fully protected and complies with current standards.
* AC/DC voltage: 200mV to 600V (5 cal.)
* Typical accuracy 1% - Impedance: 3MΩ
* automatic AC/DC recognition
* resistance: 200Ω to 20MΩ (6 cal.)
* audible continuity test: R < 700Ω
* 18mm-digit display for exceptional reading comfort
* functions: Hold / Range
* diode test
* shockproof sheath
* dual insulation
* electrical safety: IEC 1010 -1.600V Cat III
* dimensions: 177 x 64 x 42mm - weight: 350g