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Download the evaluation version, SX-METRO DEMO



To make the most of your measurements and achieve a clearer understanding of the electrical phenomena which they reflect, analyse them and store them using the SX-METRO multiscope software platform.

With this software, available in five languages, you can:
- import curves stored in the oscilloscope's memory and "image" files
- load a configuration into the instrument via the RS232 interface
- carry out mathematical processing, for example the FFT of the signal being displayed (windowing, enlargement of the result, Y scale of the FFT in volts or dB, measurements by markers).


The data (curves or FFT) can be exported to Excel. This enables you to insert a graph of the signal into a report written in Word, or to perform complementary mathematical calculations on the samples in the curve.


New functions of version V4: 

- display of curves in real time (with the MTX and SCOPIX scopes)
- Ethernet communication
- faster RS232 communication (115,200 baud)
- transformation of the SX-METRO application into a Web Server (consultation of the PC on which SX-METRO is running from another PC in the network)
- storage of the curves in Text format
- additional mathematical functions (high-pass, low-pass and bandpass filters) 



Operates with the OX8100, OX8050, OX8040, OX8062, OX8042, OX5100, OX2000, MTX and SCOPIX, OX6000.